Come scegliere il miglior filtro dell'aria

1.What is an air filter?

Air filter is equivalent to a human mask and is the first “level” for air to enter the engine. The main function is to filter out the sand and some suspended particles and other impurities (sand, dust, colloid, alumina, iron oxide, etc.) in the air that will enter the cylinder, so as to reduce the wear and tear of the cylinder, piston, piston ring, valve and valve seat. Early wear to keep the engine working properly. Also protects the air flow meter and turbo boost.The air filter is the mask of the engine. Its main function is to filter dust and other impurities in the air that is about to enter the cylinder, so as to reduce early wear of the cylinder, piston, piston ring, valve and valve seat, so that the engine can work normally.

2.How does the work?

L'elemento filtrante del filtro dell'aria è solitamente costituito da fibre, schiuma, carbonio e altri materiali. Quando l'aria entra nel filtro dal tubo di aspirazione, la fibra, la schiuma e gli altri materiali del filtro filtrano i corpi estranei e le altre sostanze presenti nell'aria. Le impurità e il carbone assorbono i gas nocivi presenti nell'aria. Tuttavia, se il filtro dell'aria viene utilizzato per lungo tempo, il suo effetto di filtrazione diminuisce. In altre parole, l'elemento del filtro dell'aria è in realtà un articolo consumabile.


3.Why choose Arrow air filter?

Air filter paper used by Arrow is wood pulp fully glued paper. Features: a. High waterproof performance; b. High stiffness performance; c. High filtration precision performance; d. High air permeability performance; e. High dust holding performance. Arrow’s wood pulp fully gummed paper has evenly distributed wood pulp fibers to ensure Its porosity is high, which is generally understood to ensure both optimal air permeability and maximum filtration accuracy.

The following content is a professional introduction:

a. The wood pulp cellulose used in this product consists of block conifer pulp and mercerized pulp. Wood pulp can be divided into softwood pulp and broadleaf pulp. Compared with broadleaf pulp, softleaf pulp has the advantages of high strength and high air permeability. The filter paper produced has high strength, high air permeability and good stiffness.

The block coniferous pulp used in the filter paper used by Arrow has the characteristics of higher bulk, higher porosity, higher dust holding capacity and smaller pore size than the filter paper produced by conventional flake coniferous pulp. The mercerized pulp used in filter paper is a reprocessed product of ordinary coniferous pulp. Its unique high air permeability, high dust holding capacity and other characteristics are far beyond the reach of ordinary pulp, so it is very expensive.

b.The wood pulp cellulose in this product consists of block conifer pulp and mercerized pulp. Softwood pulp, compared to broadleaf pulp, offers higher strength and air permeability. The block conifer pulp used provides higher bulk, porosity, dust holding capacity, and smaller pore size than conventional pulp. The expensive mercerized pulp has exceptional air permeability and dust holding capacity, surpassing ordinary pulp.

5.When should the air filter be replaced?

Di solito cerchiamo di guidare su strade con condizioni ambientali migliori e di evitare le strade sabbiose. In secondo luogo, il filtro dell'aria deve essere controllato e sostituito regolarmente per garantirne l'effetto filtrante. Se l'elemento filtrante è invecchiato e danneggiato, deve essere sostituito in tempo. In genere si consiglia di sostituirlo ogni 1 ora di guida e ogni 10.000 chilometri o circa mezzo anno. Infine, è necessario scegliere il filtro dell'aria appropriato in base ai diversi ambienti di utilizzo del veicolo.


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